Ductless Mini-Split Service

Ductless HVAC in New Albany


对于没有管道的家庭,或者房间远离主十大网络彩票平台大全系统的地方ductless HVAC can be the solution. As a 在新奥尔巴尼服务多年的无管道暖通十大网络彩票平台大全承包商, since 2012 in fact,我们只提供最优质的服务和产品. To learn more about Paramount Heating & Air’s mini-split services, keep reading.

Need HVAC in your spare room? Call 614.349.3332 现在要求对无管道微型分体式维修或安装进行估价.

What Is a Ductless Mini-Split?

Ductless air conditioners and heat pumps 将一个室外机与几个室内机组合. Unlike central AC, 哪一种使用管道系统输送冷却空气或加热空气, 这些系统安装在内墙上,直接控制房间的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全. 这些机组的动力和压缩由较大的室外机组提供. 室内机和室外机之间由电线和制冷剂管路连接. Unlike central AC units, 单独的小分割可以独立设置 to provide room-by-room comfort.

Though you often hear ‘heat pump’ 这两个词可以和“mini- splitting”互换使用,但并不完全相同. While there are ductless heat pump systems, there are also ducted ones. 当谈到新奥尔巴尼的安装成本和个人房间舒适度时, ductless mini-splits are a great choice.


说到保持舒适的室内环境, 尤其是在多层的大房子里, choosing the right cooling system is paramount. 许多房主发现自己正在与中央十大网络彩票平台大全系统的局限性作斗争, 哪个房间很难将冷空气均匀地输送到整个房间. In such scenarios, 一种无管道的迷你分体式交流系统成为了游戏规则的改变者, 提供一系列超越传统冷却方法的好处:

  • Lower Cooling Costs: If your home is multi-level or extremely large, 中央十大网络彩票平台大全系统很难提供一流的舒适度. 迷你分体式系统扩展了系统的占地面积,同时允许您调节冷却的时间和地点. No one in the spare room? Turn off the wall unit to prevent energy waste.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: 你的卧室太热,你的客厅有冰箱吗? Does your mother enjoy a crisp 68? 无管道迷你分体式系统可以按房间进行调整. This enables HVAC zoning at scale.
  • Simple Installation: 比中央系统更容易安装,迷你分裂单元可以以更低的价格提供舒适. 这简化了扩展HVAC占地面积的过程. 这也使它们成为新奥尔巴尼家庭供暖或制冷的流行解决方案.
  • Quieter Operation: 听不见电视的轰鸣声吗 old air conditioner or furnace? 然后,你可能要考虑选择一个无管道系统. Mini split更安静,对于那些喜欢安静的家的人来说是一个很好的选择.

For a better idea of how a mini-split installation in New Albany 能帮您省钱又促进舒适,给我们打电话在哪里 614.349.3332.

Our Ductless Services in New Albany

Ductless Mini-Split Repair

Is your mini-split struggling to cool the air or making strange noises? Then, it’s time to call Paramount Heating & Air for a repair consultation. 有没有常见的无管道暖通十大网络彩票平台大全问题,如脏线圈或制冷剂泄漏? Is the issue something more nuanced like a thermostat software issue? 您可以指望我们富兰克林县暖通十大网络彩票平台大全专家来解决它. Our mini-split service area includes Westerville and Dublin.

Ductless Mini-Split Installation

安装无管道迷你分体式系统需要一点前期规划. You must first determine the number of indoor units and the best way to configure the main unit. 到达后,我们将花时间布置必要的部件. 我们也会自己打扫卫生,让你的家看起来一尘不染. So, if you want 新奥尔巴尼更清洁、更高效的供暖系统,您可以信赖我们的无管道暖通十大网络彩票平台大全更换和安装.

Ductless Mini-Split Replacement

如果您目前的无管道迷你分体式系统无法修复,可能是时候更换了. At Paramount Heating & Air,我们提供专家建议如何找到,大小,并选择一个新的无管道单位. 我们负责从拆卸旧设备到安装新设备的一切工作, 确保您的新系统高效运行. 关于如何节省这项服务,我们邀请您查看我们的 promotions page. For reliable ductless mini-split replacement in New Albany, trust our experienced team.

Ductless HVAC Maintenance

As with all HVAC systems, regular mini-split maintenance 需要保持您的系统处于最佳运行状态. 这项小投资可以增加你的迷你分体式系统的使用寿命,同时降低你的平均水电费. To 获得无管道迷你分体式维修的价格 in greater Dublin, give Paramount Heating & Air a call.


Paramount Heating & Air provides ductless HVAC service in New Albany and the surrounding communities. 由于我们多年的维修和安装小分裂的经验, 我们对这些系统的工作原理有深入的了解. We also know how to 适当的大小你的系统,最终的舒适. Fully dedicated to your satisfaction,我们将不遗余力地让您了解并参与其中. Running a little late? We'll call ahead. See a new problem that needs fixing? 我们将概述放弃它的成本和后果,而不是假设你在船上. 这种让您和您的家人参与无管道迷你分离服务过程的意愿帮助我们获得 many happy customers in the New Albany area.

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